
レディオモモ(FM79.0MHz:放送エリア/赤磐市・岡山市を中心に、周辺の倉敷市、玉野市、瀬戸内市、早島町などの一部地域)では赤磐市の情報を発信するラジオ番組「魅力発見!あかいわブランド」を月2回(第2・4火曜日) 午前10時40分から15分間放送しています。 赤磐市とjGnetの連携の一環で、あかいわジオの魅力発見!2021の紹介を2021年7月13日放送分に地球史研究所乙藤所長が出演しました。 当日の収録データが赤磐市ホームページに掲載されました。是非ご視聴ください。


所長ごあいさつ Greetings


At the foot of Susai, where the Institute of GeoHistory is located, is a stratum deposited on the continental shelf in the Late Permian, which is 300 to 250 million years ago. The area around the institute (east, west and south) is surrounded by mountains with an altitude of 200-300 m created by the Permian strata. The latter part of the Permian period was the period when the greatest mass extinction in the history of the earth was occurring. The extinct Permian-Triassic boundary is located at the foot of the Tsukinowa tumulus north of the Institute. The Institute of GeoHistory, located above the strata where the most dramatic events in Earth’s history took place, is a good place to study Earth’s history. As the purpose of establishing a research institute in such a location, we have set the two pillars of “research” and “dissemination activities”.

地球史研究所 所長 乙藤 洋一郎
Yo-ichiro Otofuji(Director of Institute of GeoHistory)




広報あかいわ(令和元年8月号) より

In October 2017, Japan Geochronology Network (jGnet) opened Institute of GeoHistory at the site of the former Prefectural Bisaku High School which was rented from Akaiwa City. jGnet that is a NPO made up of geological researchers is studying the precious geology and topography of the region centered around Akaiwa City based in this Institute. In addition, jGnet also conduct educational and enlightenment activities such as business trip classes and salons at elementary and junior high schools in the city. Akaiwa City will promote the geology and topography in the city as one of the attractions of the city in cooperation with jGnet activities.

From Public information Akaiwa (August issue of the 1st year of the Reiwa era)

開設当初の様子 Initial opening


This is the exterior of the Institute of GeoHistory. It looks like the original school building.


The state of the laboratory. A lot of equipment for experiment is lined up. Originally it was a student council room.

研究活動 Research


We have chosen to explore romance rather than to be useful. The research on the early Earth from 4.6 billion years ago to 1 billion years ago, the mass extinction of the Permian/Triassic period, the research on the environment of the global warming period of 16 million years ago and the stability of the Kibi Plateau, and familiar ones are listed as research items.

最新事例 Latest case

Kibi Plateau: A stable location within active Japan

日本列島は、世界で最も極端な地震と火山のいくつかを経験しています。 4つの異なる大陸プレートと海洋プレートの間の沈み込み接合部に位置する島は、地殻が下に移動するときに大地震や火山の危険にさらされています。 私たちの研究は吉備高原に焦点を当てています。この異常なほどの安定した地域は、3,400万年にわたって主要な地殻変動の影響を受けておらず、今後も安定しているため、日本の重要なサービスの一部にとって理想的な場所を提供する可能性があります。究極の理想は国会議事堂のこの地への移転です。吉備高原が提供する安定性を利用して、日本とその国民に大地震からの別の形の保護を提供します。

The Japan Islands experience some of the most extreme earthquakes and volcanoes in the world. Located on the subduction junction between four different continental and oceanic plates, the islands are at risk from large earthquakes and volcanoes as the crust moves below. Our research focuses on the Kibi Plateau. This unusual area of stable land may provide an ideal location for some of Japan’s important services, as it appears to have been unaffected by major crustal movements for 34 million years and continue to be stable in the future. The ultimate ideal is the relocation of the Houses of Parliament to this location. Taking advantage of the stability the Kibi Plateau has to offer provides another form of protection from major earthquakes for Japan and its people.

普及活動 Dissemination activities


We are doing tours, geotour course development, movements to realize the concept of geoparks, preparations for opening museums, etc. It also has the face of a research center in the city of Susai. We hold an Institute of GeoHistory salon for the residents of Susai every season and take a geological walk around Shiroyama with the 6th grade students of Jonan Elementary School.


If you contact us at the institute, our staff will rush to give lectures on earth history and disaster prevention. Visit the institute to discuss earth history, geology, and mineralogy, and experience a geological walk through the strata that have undergone mass extinction. The Institute is open to all.

ロケーション Location

空から見る吉備高原 Kibi Plateau seen from the sky

 吉備高原は,岡山県を中心として兵庫県西部から広島県中部にかけて東西約170km,南北約45kmの領域を占めている(図1).これは東京都の約4倍の広さに相当する.近年,地震波トモグラフィーという地下構造を可視化する探査手法によって,吉備高原は深さ約20kmまで硬い岩盤から構成されることが分かってきた.また,吉備高原の地形と地質の特徴から,少なくとも3,400万年の間,地質学的に安定な陸塊であったことが明らかにされた(Sonehara et al., 2020).


The Kibi Plateau occupies an area of 170 km east-west and 45 km north-south from the western part of Hyogo prefecture to the central part of Hiroshima prefecture centering on Okayama prefecture (Fig. 1). This is about four times the size of Tokyo. In recent years, it has been revealed that the Kibi Plateau is composed of hard bedrock up to a depth of about 20 km by seismic tomography, an exploration method for visualizing underground structures. The topographical and geological features of the Kibi Plateau revealed that it was a geologically stable land mass for at least 34 million years (Sonehara et al., 2020).

Despite the fact that the Kibi Plateau is often thought to be monotonous in terms of geology and topography, in reality it is composed of a wide variety of rocks of different formation ages and formation environments, and exhibits several characteristic topographies. In order to better understand the Kibi Plateau, the authors have taken and recorded the geology and topography that develop there using a drone from above 120 to 150 m. Here, we will introduce a plateau surface with flat ridges, red soil exposed on the surface, a straight valley through which a geological fault passes, a U-shaped valley that draws a beautiful parabola, and the traces of paleo-caldera from the record.